Second Month...Difficult

Bringing Noah home was more of a nightmare than all. Yes it was wonderful to have him home but the challenges, stress, and overwhelming anxieties made for a very difficult situation. It was a situation that hurt to be in and that I hated to be in.
The first week at home was crazy. Having to feed Noah was a challenge. We still battled with the bottle and the feeding tube. It was a challenge to deal with the feeding extravaganza. Let's not forget I was also pumping breast milk around the clock to help my milk production. Add the immense crying Noah did. Mostly because he was hungry, tired, and in pain. It was not fun. By the end of the first week Noah managed to pull his feeding tube out. Although we were trained on how to insert it back in, we could not bare having to do so. And so we took a desperate measure and cut his nipple to make the opening bigger and viola! No more feeding tubes...more ounces...more satisfaction...a little less more feeding tubes! Praise the LORD!
We conquered one thing but feeding him was still a challenge. We had weekly weight checks and started him on some acid reflux meds. His pediatrician stressed he needed to drink more milk and we tried but acid reflux was not kind.
Slowly things were slightly better but Noah wasn't as easy as pie. By the end of the second month he weighed ten pounds and was doing better. He still cried a lot and well sleeping wasn't his forte. Still we could see the horizon as his distractors would come off mid March.

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