28 Months

Photo by Kristen Spor Photography
Noah Levi is now 28 months old. Reflecting back on all the worries we had 28 months ago we can thank the Lord for His grace and His miracle work on our "Winky."
Noah weighed in at 31lbs at his 2 year check up. He is growing strong and happy. No concerns on his growth or weight gain. He is not as heavy as his brother but I have come to accept that Noah has a great metabolism and while he eats everything he doesn't hold on to his weight as his brother did. In addition, he does prefer to play over eat so that is also another difference we have come to accept.
In his development Noah is doing well. He is talking and communicating well. He is improving on some sounds and working on asking for things in a more complete sentence. He can answer how old he is, what his name is, and if he is a boy or girl. He is very aware of everything that is happening and often surprises us with what he says. In his physical development, Noah is a little beast. He is running, jumping, kicking, and climbing. He loves sports. Give him a basketball, soccer ball, bat and ball and he is a happy camper. Even a two, he joins his brother at soccer practice and keeps up with the 5 year olds.  We have an athlete at hand.
In other more challenging areas, Noah is the epitome of "Terrible Twos." Contrary to his brother who accepted NO for no. Never tested our patience and was content playing with his toys. Noah loves to test our patience and explore every thing that he shouldn't. We are praying this stage passes soon.
In addition to just growing up, Noah is adjusting to being a big brother and not being the baby anymore. Our family welcomed another baby boy just a few weeks ago. Noah initially wasn't too thrilled but since then he loves his brother. We need to watch him closely as Noah is very affectionate but has the gentleness of a lion.

Everyday with Noah is an adventure. Let's keep the fun times rolling....

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