Noah is 6

Noah is 6!! He is super tall and thin (even though he eats a ton). He is enjoying Kindergarten. He is loving math and eager to learn how to read chapter books. He is developing academically as expected. His teachers love him and always compliment him in his behavior. He is continually referred to as the role model of the class.

Noah is eating and breathing fine. Since we last posted Noah hasn't needed any surgeries or new ear tubes. We are looking forward to his annual check up with all the specialist at CHOP coming in March. We are constantly keeping an eye on him with his hearing. Our struggle we have is the big question of: can he hear us or is he not listening. LOL

We are also keeping an eye on his teeth. He has already started to lose teeth and the new ones are growing in and I have to admit I can't wait for braces to be available. I can see this area will bring on challenges and concerns.

Overall Noah is doing great. He is loving school. Playing football and soccer. He is learning to play the guitar. He is making friends. He is learning to be responsible. He is learning a whole lot of things.

In other areas since we last posted our family grew by one. We welcomed another little boy into our tribe. Baby Matthew is now a happy and chunky 16 month old. He loves his brothers but Noah gets the honor of being the first name his brother learns, besides mommy and daddy. I guess he hears us call him a lot.. LOL

We are so thankful for the Lord's blessings. We know Noah's quality of life could be a whole lot different. We are humbled by the Lord's mercy.

1 comment:

Josie said...

Aweeeee this made me laugh! God bless him.... I'm so glad he's doing well. I will have him in my prayers.