Month 3...Disappointment

By March Noah was growing slowly and we were beginning to feel more comfortable with the situation. He had caught an infection with the distractors and we couldn't wait to have the final surgery. A week before the surgery date we were disappointed to find that Noah's chin had regressed. Though he could eat and breath without any concerns...he physically didn't look that well.  And so his Plastic Dr had us start the process again. We started distracting for two weeks and needed to wait 6 weeks before they could come off...a new surgery date was set for late May.

In the next month Noah battled another infection and lots of bandaids and wound cleans. I still remember his cries and discomfort. He continued to grow and eat but when the acid reflux med seemed to stop working I bought Colic Calm and gave it to him. That did the more acid reflux discomfort and Noah began to really enjoy meal time.

Our faith could have been shaken after the mechanical malfunction but this was yet again another opportunity for the LORD to remind us that HE was in control. And HE really was.

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